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图书馆数据库 & Canvas

Content from the Library's research databases can be added to Canvas course pages, either by embedding with the Canvas LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) tool or by posting direct links. 这允许教师分享文章, eBooks, 流媒体视频, 以及其他学生资源.

For assistance with adding database content to Canvas, contact OPE电子竞技官网 Canvas Support at canvas@ray4ite.com 或531 - mcc - 2834.

For all other database-related questions, contact a campus library.

Note to users of assistive technology: The tabs below are clickable. 它们以列表的形式显示. Once you're on the item you wish to explore, press space to activate it.

  • LTI: EBSCO数据库
  • LTI:其他数据库
  • 数据库的链接
  • 视频链接

Follow these instructions to embed records from an EBSCOhost database (Academic Search Complete, 商业资源精英, eBooks, etc.)或Discovery(参见 探索中包含的内容?).

  1. Click Add item (加号)将项目添加到模块中.
    Dialog showing sample module text with the add button in the upper right corner, 使用B键导航并到达此位置.

  2. 使用下拉列表选择 外部工具.
    Dialog showing dropdown of items you can add to your course, including external tool

  3. Select your library database from the available list of external tools.
    从下拉菜单中选择外部工具后, a list of links will appear containing available items to add, 例如EBSCO数据库和选集. 通过未访问的链接导航以到达此位置.

  4. Once selected, you will see the search interface for the database. (注意右边的滚动条. Scrolling down can reveal other advanced search options.)
    Database search screen containing several text boxes and combo boxes, 允许详细的搜索. 按表单字段导航以到达此位置

  5. 结果可能包括来自学术期刊的文章, 新闻来源, 流媒体视频, 还有其他来源.
    结果屏幕弹出. Navigate by links or use the Links Llist dialog to see results.

  6. 在链接到记录之前, click on the title and read the copyright statement at the very bottom of the screen. Some publishers do not allow linking to their content as assigned course material. 如果有,请不要链接. See the following copyright notice from Harvard Business Review.
    Harvard Business Review copyright notice containing the words Additional restrictions may apply including the use of this content as assigned course material
    其他出版商允许链接. See the copyright notice from Newsweek, which does not expressly forbid it.

  7. Once you have selected your content, you can use the +Add 按钮将内容嵌入到模块中.
    在标题结果旁边添加按钮. Navigate by headings to reach the desired result, then press tab to reach the add button

  8. Click the Add Item button and then publish the item to finalize adding it to the module.
    Add item dialog displaying a result's title heading next to the button. Navigate by heading and then press Tab or right arrow or navigate by button to reach this location

  9. The added content is now available in the module for students.
    Database record contains title, information, and links relevant to displayed material

Follow these instructions to embed records from the following databases: 在线学术视频, 弗格森职业指导中心, 点播电影, 盖尔电子书, 语境中的盖尔:对立的观点, Gale文献资源中心, Gale文学寻宝器, 和世界宗教.

  1. 在富内容编辑器中,选择 Tools > Apps > View All (或者使用工具栏上的“应用程序”快捷方式).
    Dialog containing editing ribbon similar to Microsoft Word and a menu bar, in which Tools is located. View all is at the bottom of the tools menu, alternatively you can press V once in the menu

  2. Scroll to select a database from the list or use the search function to filter the list. NOTE: To embed a video from 在线学术视频, select Alexander Street from the menu.
    包含标题“所有应用程序”的结果对话框, as well as headings and links related to the search results

  3. Once selected, you will see the database search interface.
    Search screen containing an editable dropdown dialog. Navigate. 通过表单字段到达此编辑框. You can use the arrow keys to select an item from an autocmplete list. 然后,选择“搜索”按钮.

  4. Results may include articles, 新闻来源, and other content.
    Results list window, results are available as links. Please navigate by Unvisited Links or used the elements dialog to navigate the results

  5. Once you have selected the record you would like to embed into Canvas, 使用嵌入文档按钮来插入它.
    The embed button is located near the top of the page. 通过按钮导航到达它

  6. Save and Publish your item for the library database content to be viewable by your students.
    显示出版资料的对话框. Navigate by buttons to reach Publish, and space to activate it

Follow these instructions to generate a link for a database record. 在某些情况下, you will need to prefix the URL with the Library's proxy server coding to allow for off-campus access.


To generate a permalink in Discovery, EBSCO eBooks, or an EBSCOhost database, click Permalink 在最右边的工具菜单上. 永久链接将出现在标题上方. The link will automatically include the Library's proxy server coding.


Nexis Uni

  1. Go to the right of the document title and click the link icon.
  2. URL将显示在弹出窗口中. 以库的代理服务器编码作为前缀. 请看下面的例子:
    • Record URL: http://advance.lexis.com/api/permalink/5a75f81e-d844-4829-b83a-4601c16eef42/?上下文= 1516831
    • 库代理服务器编码: http://login.ezproxy.ray4ite.com/login?url=
    • Final URL: http://login.ezproxy.ray4ite.com/login?url = http://advance.lexis.com/api/permalink/5a75f81e-d844-4829-b83a-4601c16eef42/?上下文= 1516831


  1. 复制URL在您的浏览器的地址栏. It is only necessary to copy it up and including the entry number.
  2. Prefix the URL with the Library's proxy server coding to allow off-campus access. 请看下面的例子:
    • Record URL: http://www.oed.com/view/Entry/163158
    • 库代理服务器编码: http://login.ezproxy.ray4ite.com/login?url=
    • Final URL: http://login.ezproxy.ray4ite.com/login?url = http://www.oed.com/view/Entry/163158


  1. 复制URL在您的浏览器的地址栏.
  2. Prefix the URL with the Library's proxy server coding to allow off-campus access. 请看下面的例子:
    • Record URL: http://www.statista.com/topics/871/online-shopping/
    • 库代理服务器编码: http://login.ezproxy.ray4ite.com/login?url=
    • 完成URL: http://login.ezproxy.ray4ite.com/login?url = http://www.statista.com/topics/871/online-shopping/


Click 所有的选项 在最右边.


URL将显示在弹出窗口中. It will already include the coding for the Library's proxy server.


Women & 美国的社会运动

Click Embed/Link. URL将显示在弹出窗口中. It will already include the coding for the Library's proxy server.


Follow these instructions to generate a link or embed code for a streaming video. 在某些情况下, you will need to prefix the URL with the Library's proxy server coding to allow for off-campus access.


  1. 复制视频嵌入代码
  2. 在画布中添加新页面、模块或作业
  3. Click the HTML Editor at the top right of the screen
  4. 在HTML编辑器中跳过嵌入代码
  5. Click Save


单击链接或嵌入视频 Share 在视频页面. The next screen will display both a permalink and the embed code. Both links will already include the coding for the Library's proxy server.



不支持嵌入. 链接视频:

  1. Open the video, then copy the URL in your browser's address bar.
  2. Prefix the URL with the Library's proxy server coding to allow off-campus access. 请看下面的例子:
    • Video URL: http://edu.digitaltheatreplus.com/content/productions/uncle-vanya
    • 库代理服务器编码: http://login.ezproxy.ray4ite.com/login?url=
    • Final URL: http://login.ezproxy.ray4ite.com/login?url = http://edu.digitaltheatreplus.com/content/productions/uncle-vanya
数字影院+ URL


单击链接或嵌入视频 Embed 在视频窗口下面. The next screen will display both the embed code and a permanent link. Both links will already include the coding for the Library's proxy server.



单击,嵌入或链接视频 Share 在视频页面,选择 Embed/Link 在弹出窗口中. Both links will already include the coding for the Library's proxy server.



要嵌入或链接视频,请单击 Share button 在视频页面 and then scroll down and select either Share or Embed. Both links will already include the coding for the Library's proxy server.



不支持嵌入. 单击,链接视频 Share 在视频页面.



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